Sunday, December 14, 2008

buh- rrrrrr!

Just a short post here. I am watching the news. Its -15 outside, -36 with the windchill. Yesterday it was 61.

I took Lacey out earlier, and thought it was cold enough that she should have her sweater on. It didn't matter much, because got about halfway through our usual route when she pooped, then sat down and started whimpering and crying. I had to pick her up and put her inside my coat for the walk back home. Poor little thing.


Mamarazzi said...

aww...well at least she didn't hold the poop until you got home. poor little thing!

banananutmeg said...

seriouslY! It was 65* here yesterday and it is 14* today and snowing. yuck. Poor lacey. you should get her a litter box.