Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Snubbed Again

Well folks, I really don't know where to begin. I'm trying to put my disappointment into words, but they just aren't coming. What elese could I have done? I spent the entire year gorging myself on candy and ho-ho's thinking that it would be the master stroke that put me over the top. Well, I guess not! This morning I turn on the computer, and there it is staring back at me, "Matt Damon. People's Sexiest Man Alive"

Matt Damon?!!! I mean Matt Damon?! Come on, He's not even sexy! Ok, he might be "fit" and "trim", but sexy? Stop fooling yourselves, People Magazine? First of all everyone knows that sexy guys have stubble because they are too cool and manly to shave regularly. Second, sexy guys have, or have had, long hair. Third, you got to be a bad boy to be sexy. You got to do rebel stuff like ride a motorcycle, have a brooding personality, or read western novels. Finally, Matt Damon is an actor. When was the last time that you saw an actor and thought, "Oooh, He's sexy."? Sexy guys do stuff like carpentry, welding, or architecture. They aint in no wimpy plays.

I think I've made my point, and next year maybe they'll choose someone who's REALLY sexy.

Until then, I guess I'll have to shelve the "from the desk of... People's Sexiest Man Alive", and go back to the "From the desk of ...a stunningly handsome, yet unrecognized, superstud".


Mamarazzi said...


You will always be the sexiest man alive in my eyes, and heart.

From the desk of:
Big and Beautiful Male of the Year,

Mamarazzi said...

awww poor Scotty, never stop dreaming. and in my opinion the ho-hos are NEVER a waste of time or energy...


banananutmeg said...

Luckily, I live in Arkansas, where there are still no laws to prevent me from sayin' this to my own brother.
Yes, Scott, you are a sexy guy. With even skin tone like yours and that rockin' cowlick, Matt Damon aint got nuthin on you baby.

Anonymous said...

Don't even say I don't deserve this... do you have any idea what it was like all these years hanging out with George Clooney and Brad Pitt?

The taunting was horrible... I'd walk into a room, and they'd be talking and when they'd see me it was all "hushhush". Or "Didn't you see the sign, loser?" and then Pitt would be like, "Ya. PSMOTY only... beat it kid." Well not anymore, I'm in the club now, and I get to talk about chick too.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. I'm going to put up with this tag-along for 6 months. Oceans 14 is off.

Anonymous said...

Scott, you can hang.

Anonymous said...


You couldn't get a higher number than 52? That sucks bro... I'll see if I can pull some strings.

Anonymous said...

Ya, that's stupid... 52. You should be way higher.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, Damon.

Anonymous said...

Ya, shut up.

Anonymous said...

That's enough guys. Matt, Shut up.

banananutmeg said...

hey...where are all the posts of you guys with mom and dad? Didn't you guys have any fun together?!

Toast Habit said...

You need to control these celebrities. GAH! Will I ever break free from the landscapers guild I was born into?

Mamarazzi said...

i can't wait for finals to be over so you can come out and play on your blog. i am craving some of your bloggy goodness!!