Wednesday, December 17, 2008

SWAP-OFF!!!!!!! TAKE 1

Good evening.

Welcome to the biggest moment of your life. Why is this moment so defining? Well, before this post if done, you will face a fork in the road.

Down one path... despair and regret.
Down the other... glory. hope. maybe even lust.

How do you achieve all these dreams? You'll be mildly surprised to know that all it takes is moxie. The type of moxie that makes you trade something awesome and desirable for this:

POW!!!! That's right. One red toy car, and, count em'... 12345. FIVE HAZELNUTS!

They could be yours, and something better could be mine. Think about it... Do you want something of yours that is awesome, or something of mine that will make you cool?

I'm not going to make it easy, either. I have fancy artistic photography, nostalgia, and whimsy on my side... Check out this sexy shot:

Still not convinced?!! Well, feast on this:

Start making offers, but remember, I need to trade very soon, like as soon as you can possibly get this to me. Best offer wins... Others will have to wait.

... I am in a swap-off super swapping battle with Mr Zeke-a-saurus Tex, and only have 30 days to swap stuff. If you miss out this time, there will be more opportunities. Thanks for your support. You are cool. Not as cool as me, but still cool - If you make an offer.


Anonymous said...

Nice profile photo!

And… what’s Zeke-osaurus got? Maybe what I have is too cool for you, yup... I said it, I'll say it again - too cool for you!

Garlic Boy said...

I offer you my first born daughter.

AdamD said...

I'll trade you a VHS copy of Training Day (used), four unpaid Oakland Parking Tickets, and a really cool picture of a cat.

Mamarazzi said...

a dozen deviled eggs (cut in half thats 24 bites of pure awesome) that i made myself. you KNOW that car and those nuts are MINE now!

banananutmeg said...

I have nothing cooler than nuts and a race car to swap. I sent your Christmas package yesterday. Don't open the envelope until Christmas because your gift is wrapped, but Kristie's gift isn't. No peeking! Not that you'll have a chance, it is supposed to arrive the 24th! Sorry, it took so long, it took me forever to find the right thing for Kriste. I have the gift receipt, but forgot to send them. I'll put it in the mail this week.

hfl said...

The only thing that I have that is even close to as cool as your race car and nuts is a fake almond box. Unfortunately, I can't even offer it because it is in storage in California. I am so sad that I don't have a chance at the swap.

banananutmeg said...

I'll trade you one old set of keys to the Green Bay, WI Stake Center. They come with a blue key chain from Bayline Bank (Member FDIC), and a sparkly jump rope with blue handles.