Thursday, August 30, 2007

You get pitted...

Ok, so Amy and Josh are moving to California. I thought they might want a glimpse into what this might mean for them and thier future. To this end, I obtained the seminal news report on the California School system.

I give you, Parker, after after 10 years in Hollister.

It's not too late to come back.



Mamarazzi said...

TOTALLY!! that was AWESOME dude!!

Toast Habit said...

Radicool. Thanks for the enlghtening definition on the Charlie. Now that Julia has sided with us, it is 3-2 with Charlies as as an injury inflicted by another. I think I am going to say it was a best of 5 series to ensure my victory. WHABAAAA!!!

banananutmeg said...

Denver: 1, Hollister: 0.

banananutmeg said...

actually, I'd like to change that to Denver: 3, Hollister: 1
Hollister may have super taq, but Denver has Noodles and Culvers. Mmmm....butterburger.

Scott said...

Super Taq counts as 2, but Denver has Baby Eggrolls.

Denver: 4
Hollister : 2

Garlic Boy said...

Milk just shot out of my nose. I can't find your phone numbers.

Garlic Boy said...

Milk just shot out of my nose. I can't find your phone numbers.