Monday, December 17, 2007

A real man

I personally believe that Michael Bolton buttons his shirt all the way up every morning. Sometime during the day, though, the shirt realizes who it is on, and the top few unbutton themselves.


Mamarazzi said...

is the shirt doing this because it is grossed out? is it from utter distain? because only THEN could i jump on board with that theory. ONLY then...

banananutmeg said...

Either that, or Michael Bolton has been taking road trips with Dad. Mom will be thrilled to pass that torch on, and I imagine there are many truckers along I-80 will share her enthusiasm.

Scott said...

Are you implying that our dad is responsible for Michael Bolton's unbuttoned shirt? Really? You're sure the buttons aren't acting independently?

banananutmeg said...

isn't it like a reflex for him to unbutton mom's shirt while they're driving, once she falls asleep in the passenger seat on a road trip?
Perhaps his habits are getting out of control...that's all i'm sayin'.

And maybe Michael Bolton HAS been nowhere near Dad...he could still be responsible. Perhaps all those years of practicing "the force" has finally paid off.

If my theory is correct, and you are reading this...Dad, I could really use some Breyers Natural Peach ice cream about now.

Unknown said...

What? The BISHOP?